Dossier No32 – Risk-Taking

The Multidisciplinary and European Air and Space Academy has no direct responsibilities in public affairs but cannot lose interest in them.
However, we see in European public opinion a trend towards a security retreat, and correlated with the requirement of a “zero risk”.

Fears about such a change in mentality can cause a brake or even a halt in certain aeronautical and space activities, which are essential to the progress of our human societies.

The Academy organised a symposium in Toulouse from 4 to 6 February 2008 on “Risk-taking, a human necessity that must be managed”.

This event allowed operational people who were aware and accustomed to risks in various forms to express themselves and to engage in discussions on various issues affecting the development of major programs, especially aeronautics and space, surgical procedures, and also to express opinions on risk for themselves and others, on risk-taking and justice, and on the concept of a precautionary principle.

This dossier provides an initial analysis of what was said during the symposium, expressing the diverse views of speakers and speakers.

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