So here we are at the dawn of 2023, a new year that I wish you and yours a happy one, without too many health worries, with a lot of satisfaction in all your projects, big or small.

Our Academy is more and more recognized as a European think tank contributing to the development of aeronautical and space strategies. Its notoriety is growing.

The climate and the energy crisis are major issues for the whole society and require imagination, but also discernment. The dream, even if it is essential to progress, does not always become reality. One of our roles is to provide multidisciplinary insights free of special interests and influences of all kinds. That’s how we are useful.

Our approach ranges from a purely scientific approach to the consideration of sociological and cultural aspects, including technology, operational aspects, economics, law and many other areas of the humanities. Thus, we must ensure that science is not used as a pretext or cover for decisions or developments based on other considerations. That is one of our duties.

So let’s all hope together to develop this role and this image in 2023

The President,
Michel Wachenheim

ISS composition - Oil on canvas 89x116cm © Jame's Prunier 2022