Space commission

The Space commission is responsible for providing in-depth reflections on the political, strategic, scientific, technological and economic aspects of space activity in France and Europe, and developing appropriate recommendations to be submitted to the board and then to the general assembly of AAE.

It will address issues such as:

  • The contributions of space to the progress of knowledge and humanistic management of the planet, by means of civil space applications such as telecommunications, navigation and geodesy, observation of the Earth and the environment, keeping in mind both the research and the economic dimension
  • Exploration of the Solar system and in particular the planet Mars, sciences of the universe including fundamental physics
  • Applications of specific space technology to meet defence needs
  • Guaranteed access to space with launch policy and cooperation with other countries
  • The future of human presence in space, its prospects and the issues at stake (after the International Space Station) based on Europe’s commitment to manned space exploration.

It will also examine the impact of space activities as perceived by the general public and develop the recommendations that it deems relevant to the subject. Special cooperation may be established with the Cité de l’espace.

The Space commission answers to section 2, but will include at least one representative from each of the other sections. Each section is therefore invited to designate its representative(s) to this commission.

The president of the commission will ensure that foreign associate members who wish to contribute to these reflections are invited to participate in its work and may invite French and European personalities from outside the ranks of AAE to participate.

In accordance with article 7 of the statutes, legal persons shall be kept informed of the activities of the commission and may be consulted, or even associated, with the work of the commission.

Depending on the topics of reflection, joint work can be undertaken with other academies as has been the case in the past with the Académie des Sciences on the question of the atmospheric environment, or with the Académie de Marine and the Bureau des longitudes for navigation by satellites.

The Space commission will draw up a provisional timetable for its work, giving priority to issues of access to space and the definition of a coherent European policy in space science and applications. It will report regularly to the board and the general assembly on the progress of its activities. If the need arises, the board and the general assembly will give it more precise guidance on the priorities to be adopted in carrying out its reflections.

Documents and Media

Access all the documents and media published by the commission.

Members of the commission

To see the composition of the commission