Interview of Michel Wachenheim, President of the Academy, by Fabrice Gliszczynski for “LaTribune”.

Full article to read on the tribune website (in french)

“The relevance of hydrogen for aviation must be re-examined” (Michel Wachenheim, President of the Air and Space Academy)

A leading figure in air transport, Michel Wachenheim, former Director of French Civil Aviation, former Chief of Staff of Dominique Bussereau when he was Minister of Transport (2007-2010), former Ambassador of France to ICAO, the International Civil Aviation Organization, and now President of the prestigious Académie de l’Air et de l’Espace recommends, in a shocking interview with La Tribune , “to re-examine the relevance of the effort to be made on on-board hydrogen for aviation”. While Airbus expects a hydrogen-powered aircraft in 2035, this solution can only be applied in this horizon to small aircraft, a market segment that is insufficient to eliminate CO2 emissions from the sector. Michel Wachenheim pushes “public or private decision-makers to a management of priorities that is more universal and oriented towards the urgency of the decisions to be taken”. In other words, to concentrate efforts on the development of alternative fuels. It also recommends an evolution of the ICAO, the International Civil Aviation Organisation, and in particular of the famous Chicago Convention which governs the sector.

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